Simple-Hybesis-Algorithms-Logger Fork of the Simple-Hybesis-Algorithms repository adding logging capabilities used to describe algorithms steps.
You can find a fork repository adding algorithm logging features (used for visualization) and its documentation here:
CMake - Cross-Building
The building relies on CMake, an Open-Source system that allows to easily build cross-platform applications by generating native makefiles (cf.
Getting Started
Build using CMake-GUI:
Run CMake-GUI Select source/target directory Click on Configure the project Click on Generate the Solution files Open the solution file (if MSVC) and build or use make command.
Build in Command-Line (UNIX):
mkdir Simple-Hybesis-Algorithms-Build (Create Build directory) cd Simple-Hybesis-Algorithms-Build (Open build director) ccmake ../Simple-Hybesis-Algorithms (Configure the make given Source repository) make (Make command, use -j parameter to use multi-core)
Doxygen Documentation & CMake
Use the CMake **'BUILD_DOC'** (default to false) option to automatically setup Documentation Generation with doxygen including SHA Core documentation.
Use the CMake **'BUILD_DOC_LOG'** (default to true) option to automatically setup the logger Documentation Generation with doxygen.
Please find the last generated documentations here:
GTest - Unit Testing & CMake
Use the CMake **'BUILD_TESTING_LOG'** (default to true) option to automatically setup Unit Testing with google test on the Logger modules.
Use the CMake **'BUILD_TESTING'** (default to true) option to automatically setup Unit Testing with google test on the Core modules.
It allows to very quickly get set up with C++ and google test:
- Clone GTest via GIT
- Setup the Unit Testings
- Compile GTest at build time
Use the CMake **'WITH_COVERAGE'** (default to true) option to automatically setup Coverage Generation. The minimal requiered coverage is 95%.
Please find the last testing dashboard here:
Running Unit Tests (UTs)
You can whether use CTest or manually run the unit tests.
E.g. to manually run the 'TestBasicBinary' Unit Test (using GTest):
Simple-Hybesis-Algorithms-Build/Modules/Search/Testing/Debug/TestBinary.exe (Win) ./Simple-Hybesis-Algorithms-Build/Modules/Search/Testing/Debug/TestBinary (UNIX)
Algorithms/Data Structures with Logs and Visualizations
- Binary Search: Iteratively proceed a dichotomous search, within a sorted sequence, on the first occurrence of the key.
- Bubble Sort: Sometimes referred to as sinking sort: proceed an in-place bubble-sort on the elements.
- Partition-Exchange: Proceed an in-place partitioning on the elements.
- Quick Sort - Partition-Exchange Sort: Proceed an in-place quick-sort on the elements.
Other Algorithms/Data Structures core implementations
- Combinations: Compute all possible combinations of elements containing within the sequence.
- Intersection: Compute the intersection of two sequences keeping duplicate keys distinct.
- IsInterleaved: Determine whether or not a sequence is the interleave of the two others.
- Permutations: Compute all possible permutations of elements containing within the sequence.
Data Structures
- BinarySearchTree: Binary Search Tree, Ordered Tree or Sorted Binary Tree divides all its sub-trees into two segments: left sub-tree and right sub-tree.
- Kth Smallest / Biggest element - Order Statitstics: Find the kth smallest/biggest element.
- Maximal/Minimal Distance: Identify the two elements of the sequence that give the maximal/minimal distance.
- Maximal/Minimal M Elements: Retrieve the m maximal/minimal values sorted in respectively decreasing increasing order.
- Maximal/Minimal Sub-Sequence: Identify the sub-sequence with the maximum/minimum sum. One of the problem resolved by this algorithm is: "Given an array of gains/losses over time, find the period that represents the best/worst cumulative gain."
- MergeInplace: Functor that proceeds a in place merge of two sequences of elements.
- MergeSort: John von Neumann in 1945: Proceed merge-sort on the elements whether using an in-place strategy or using a buffer.
- MergeWithBuffer: Functor that proceeds a merge of two sequences of elements using a buffer to improve time computation.
- Raddix Sort - LSD: Proceed the Least Significant Digit Raddix sort, a non-comparative integer sorting algorithm.